Map of Freedom

Democracy Web, a project of the Albert Shanker Institute, is an on-line resource for the study of democracy. The study guide and map offer an overview of the essential principles of democracy, give historical background information, and provide a framework for comparing and contrasting the state of political rights and civil liberties in different countries around the world.

Map of Freedom

Click on a country to learn more.

Map of Freedom

The Map of Freedom presents users with an instant, visual portrait of the state of freedom around the world and provides access to: basic information about each country; a link to all of the country profiles in the study guide; and links to the relevant sections of all Freedom House reports, including Freedom in the World.

Click on a colored country to learn more about that country.


Flag of Azerbaijan

Capital: Baku

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 7/100 Political Rights: 0/40 Civil Liberties: 7/60

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Flag of Venezuela

Capital: Caracas

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 15/100 Political Rights: 1/40 Civil Liberties: 14/60

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Flag of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Capital: Pyongyang

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 3/100 Political Rights: 0/40 Civil Liberties: 3/60

Federal Republic of Germany

Flag of the Federal Republic of Germany

Capital: Berlin

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 93/100 Political Rights: 39/40 Civil Liberties: 54/60

Federal Republic of Nigeria

The flag of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Capital: Abuja

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 44/100 Political Rights: 20/40 Civil Liberties: 24/60

French Republic

Flag of the French Republic

Capital: Paris

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 89/100 Political Rights: 38/40 Civil Liberties: 51/60

Islamic Republic of Iran

Flag of Iran

Capital: Tehran

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 11/100 Political Rights: 4/40 Civil Liberties: 7/60

Kingdom of Morocco

Flag of the Kingdom of Morocco

Capital: Rabat

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 37/100 Political Rights: 13/40 Civil Liberties: 24/60

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Capital: Riyadh

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 8/100 Political Rights: 1/40 Civil Liberties: 7/60


Flag of Malaysia

Capital: Kuala Lumpur

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 53/100 Political Rights: 22/40 Civil Liberties: 31/60

People's Republic of China

Flag of the People's Republic of China

Capital: Beijing

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 9/100 Political Rights: -2/40 Civil Liberties: 11/60

Plurinational State of Bolivia

Flag of Bolivia

Capital: La Paz

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 66/100 Political Rights: 27/40 Civil Liberties: 39/60


Flag of Poland

Capital: Warsaw

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 80/100 Political Rights: 33/40 Civil Liberties: 47/60

Republic of Botswana

Flag of Botswana

Capital: Gaborone

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 72/100 Political Rights: 28/40 Civil Liberties: 44/60

Republic of Chile

Flag of the Republic of Chile

Capital: Santiago

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 94/100 Political Rights: 38/40 Civil Liberties: 56/60

Republic of Cuba

Flag of the Republic of Cuba

Capital: Havana

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 12/100 Political Rights: 1/40 Civil Liberties: 11/60

Republic of Estonia

Flag of Estonia

Capital: Tallinn

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 95/100 Political Rights: 38/40 Civil Liberties: 57/60

Republic of Guatemala

Flag of the Republic of Guatemala

Capital: Guatemala City

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 46/100 Political Rights: 17/40 Civil Liberties: 29/60

Republic of Indonesia

Flag of the Republic of Indonesia

Capital: Jakarta

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 57/100 Political Rights: 28/40 Civil Liberties: 29/60

Republic of Kazakhstan

Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Capital: Astana

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 23/100 Political Rights: 5/40 Civil Liberties: 18/60

Republic of Kenya

Flag of the Republic of Kenya

Capital: Nairobi

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 52/100 Political Rights: 22/40 Civil Liberties: 30/60

Republic of Singapore

Flag of the Republic of Singapore

Capital: Singapore

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 48/100 Political Rights: 19/40 Civil Liberties: 29/60

Republic of the Philippines

Flag of the Republic of the Philippines

Capital: Manila

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 58/100 Political Rights: 25/40 Civil Liberties: 33/60

Republic of Tunisia

Flag of the Republic of Tunisia

Capital: Tunis

Status: Partly Free

Freedom Rating: 51/100 Political Rights: 16/40 Civil Liberties: 35/60

Republic of Uganda

Flag of the Republic of Uganda

Capital: Kampala

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 34/100 Political Rights: 10/40 Civil Liberties: 24/60

Republic of Uzbekistan

Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Capital: Tashkent

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 12/100 Political Rights: 2/40 Civil Liberties: 10/60

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Capital: Hanoi

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 19/100 Political Rights: 4/40 Civil Liberties: 15/60

South Africa

Flag of South Africa

Capital: Pretoria

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 79/100 Political Rights: 33/40 Civil Liberties: 46/60

State of Israel

Flag of the State of Israel

Capital: Jerusalem

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 74/100 Political Rights: 34/40 Civil Liberties: 40/60


Flag of Sudan

Capital: Khartoum

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 10/100 Political Rights: 0/40 Civil Liberties: 10/60

Syrian Arab Republic

Flag of the Syrian Arab Republic

Capital: Damascus

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 1/100 Political Rights: -3/40 Civil Liberties: 4/60

The Netherlands

Flag of The Netherlands

Capital: Amsterdam

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 97/100 Political Rights: 39/40 Civil Liberties: 58/60

The United States of America

Flag of the United States of America

Capital: Washington D.C.

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 83/100 Political Rights: 33/40 Civil Liberties: 50/60


Flag of Turkey

Capital: Ankara

Status: Not Free

Freedom Rating: 32/100 Political Rights: 16/40 Civil Liberties: 16/60


Not Free Partly Free Free

Country Study Reports - List