Country Studies

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Botswana Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 72/100 | Political Rights: 28/40 | Civil Liberties: 44/60

Botswana is Africa’s oldest continuous multiparty democracy, having held uninterrupted free elections since gaining independence in 1966.

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Chile Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 94/100 | Political Rights: 38/40 | Civil Liberties: 56/60

Chile, a country that spans a long length of territory on the Pacific Coast of South America, is a unitary presidential republic.

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Estonia Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 95/100 | Political Rights: 38/40 | Civil Liberties: 57/60

Estonia, among the world’s most free and economically dynamic countries, has a parliamentary system with a unicameral legislature.

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France Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 89/100 | Political Rights: 38/40 | Civil Liberties: 51/60

France has a mixed presidential-parliamentary government. Its history encompasses periods of absolutism, revolution, empire, constitutional monarchy and republicanism.

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Germany Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 93/100 | Political Rights: 39/40 | Civil Liberties: 54/60

The Federal Republic of Germany has a parliamentary democracy and a federal state, and has become one of the freer nations in the world.

2019 Meeting of the Israeli Knesset

Israel Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 74/100 | Political Rights: 34/40 | Civil Liberties: 40/60

Israel's multiparty system is highly diverse, including representation for minority populations. But in recent years Israel’s democracy has faced a range of challenges.

William of Orange III and his Dutch army land in Brixham

Netherlands Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 97/100 | Political Rights: 39/40 | Civil Liberties: 58/60

Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy with unitary structure.

William of Orange III and his Dutch army land in Brixham

Netherlands Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 97/100 | Political Rights: 39/40 | Civil Liberties: 58/60

The Netherlands has a long history of free media, free political debate, free and fair elections and pluralist political competition. That tradition continues.

Political poster featuring Gary Cooper to encourage votes for the Solidarity party in the 1989 Polish elections. Tomasz Sarneck, 1989

Poland Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 80/100 | Political Rights: 33/40 | Civil Liberties: 47/60

Since 1989, Poland has been a free and sovereign country following more than two centuries of foreign domination, occupation, and control.

Youth demonstration in South Africa

South Africa Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 79/100 | Political Rights: 33/40 | Civil Liberties: 46/60

South Africa is a constitutional republic and parliamentary democracy whose president is chosen by the National Assembly, the popularly elected lower house of a bicameral legislature.

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United States of America Country Study

Status: Free

Freedom Rating: 83/100 | Political Rights: 33/40 | Civil Liberties: 50/60

The United States is a constitutional republic with a presidential system. It is the world's oldest representative democracy among nation states.